Di ReimoldVice President, Civil Aviation
Dorothy “Di” Reimold joins AIA as the Vice President for Civil Aviation as the next step in a long career in both the public and private sectors where she has held executive positions in aviation policy, international affairs, and oversight of critical aerospace systems and services.
Reimold was most recently Deputy Vice President for Flight Program Operations for the Federal Aviation Administration, where she was responsible for the agency’s fleet of aircraft, aviation safety inspector training, flight inspection across the National Airspace System (NAS), and at the Department of Defense bases around the world. Before joining Flight Program Operations, Reimold held leadership roles in the FAA’s Office of Aviation Safety, serving as the acting Deputy Associate Administrator and FAA’s Executive Lead for 5G C-Band implementation in the U.S. Reimold also served as the Deputy Director for Policy and Innovation in the FAA’s Aircraft Certification Service, where she focused on U.S. technology advances through her leadership of the agency’s Chief Scientists and the establishment of the Center for Emerging Concepts and Innovation. Reimold also served as the Director of Strategic Operations for the FAA’s Office of Commercial Space Transportation. In prior capacities at the FAA, Reimold served as the acting FAA Assistant Administrator and Deputy Assistant Administrator for International Aviation.
Before returning to the FAA in 2016, Reimold worked for the International Air Transport Association, MITRE’s Center for Advanced Aviation System Development, and the Martin Marietta Corporation.
Reimold holds a Master’s in Management and Leadership and has studied at the U.S. Federal Executive Institute in Charlottesville, Virginia. Reimold is a Board member of the International Aviation Women’s Association and the International Aviation Club of Washington.