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AIA National Security Space FY24 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Priorities

AIA, representing over 320 aerospace manufacturers and suppliers and more than 2 million U.S. workers, urges Congress to affirm its consistent, bipartisan support for the national security space enterprise through the Fiscal Year 2024 NDAA...

Space Force and Space Command

It is critical we continue to educate stakeholders on the difference between the combatant command and the military service and how they work together...

AIA FY23 Space Priorities

AIA is the premier advocate for America’s space industry, supply chain, and workforce. Across AIA’s over 300 member companies are the suppliers, designers, manufacturers, launch providers, and operators of commercial, civil, and national security satellites and space vehicles...

Secure Our Satellites

The new infographic highlights the importance of satellites on our modern way of life, the threats they face, and why we need to protect them.

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