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Software Bill of Materials in Aviation

Cybersecurity threats have been increasing across all sectors, and there is much interest by stakeholders to reduce risks in strategies to reduce risks. In response to these challenges, in 2021, the Biden Administration developed and released...

Aviation Industry Welcomes Call for Enhanced Regulatory Alignment

In a joint statement issued by Airlines for Europe (A4E), Aerospace Industries Association (AIA), Aerospace Security and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD), and...

Aviation Industry Welcomes Call for Enhanced US-EU Regulatory Alignment

WASHINGTON, D.C., June 13, 2024 – Key European and North American aviation industry associations welcomed the renewed commitment for greater ...

AIA Taps Long-time Legislative Leader Nora Khalil as Vice President of Legislative Affairs

Arlington, Va. (June 11, 2024) – The Aerospace Industries Association (AIA), the leading voice of America’s aerospace and defense industry, today ...

AIA President and CEO Applauds Congress Reauthorization of the FAA

Arlington, Va. – Aerospace Industries Association President and CEO Eric Fanning today praised Congress for their bipartisan vote to reauthorize the Federal ...

AIA’s 2024 Legislative Recommendations

The Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) released a new agenda outlining legislative recommendations for innovation, aviation safety, and national security. These recommendations were crafted to take the aerospace and defense industry to new heights...

AIA FY25 THUD Appropriations Requests

With 2.2 million A&D employees nationwide and a $418 billion contribution to GDP in 2022, the industry seeks policy alignment and federal investment to fuel further progress. AIA urges support for FAA programs in the upcoming appropriations legislation to sustain this momentum...

AIA Urges Congress to Invest in FAA, Equip for Next-Generation Technology

Arlington, Va. (April 30, 2024) – The Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) today released its priorities for the fiscal year 2025 ...

AIA President and CEO Welcomes Introduction of FAA Reauthorization Legislation

Arlington, Va. (April 29, 2024) – Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) President and CEO Eric Fanning today welcomed the introduction of ...

AIA President and CEO Statement on Civil Aviation Priorities in Biden’s FY25 Budget  

Arlington, Va. (March 11, 2024) – Today, Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) President and CEO Eric Fanning issued the following statement outlining ...

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