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Leveling the Playing Field: The EX-IM Bank & U.S. Manufacturing

In the wake of an uneven global economic recovery, countries are competing in an unprecedented race to create jobs and stimulate economic growth through increased exports. In this competition, not all countries abide by the same set of rules that the United States follows to support their companies’ exports.

Restoring Balance in the Defense Acquisition System

Over the past quarter century, more than 300 commissions and studies have produced a variety of recommendations – some of which have become law – to change the way the U.S. military develops and buys new weapons systems.

Defense Acquisition Reform: Moving Toward an Efficient Acquisition System

This report identifies the key elements of the DOD’s Efficiencies Initiative that are both doable and necessary. This report also identifies reforms to the system not included in the Efficiencies Initiative that we believe are necessary to ensure the ultimate beneficiary — the warfighter — has the tools needed at a cost that is acceptable to the taxpayer.

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