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Civil Aviation Cyber Security Annual Report

This paper contains a summary of standards and regulatory updates which are important to industry, as well as a summarized position paper drafted by the subcommittee in 2024...

Best Practices for AI Governance in Aerospace

Crafted by experts from across the AIA’s membership, this framework outlines the elements of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) governance...

NEW REPORT from AIA/PwC: Transforming the A&D Workforce 

AIA and PwC released a new study today revealing how the aerospace and defense (A&D) industry’s workforce is evolving...

Task Force on Autonomy

AIA created a Task Force on Autonomy to bring U.S. industry together to promote this new technology and shepherd in an era of more accessible, affordable, and equitable flight...

Utilizing S-Series Specifications to Optimize Operational Readiness

This document provides a brief overview of the innovative S-Series Specifications andThis document provides a brief overview of the innovative S-Series Specifications and how they can be applied to critical systems used by the Department...

Volume II: Defense Trade Modernization

On June 8, 2023, top defense trade associations the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA), the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA), and the Professional Services Council (PSC) released their second set of recommendations to modernize the U.S. Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and defense trade system.  The report, “Volume II: Defense Trade Modernization,” focuses on the Department of State’s role of evaluating and approving 95 percent of FMS cases...

Continued Airworthiness Assessment Methodology: Lessons Learned

The Continued Airworthiness Assessment Methodology (CAAM) committee has been collecting and publishing datasets of propulsion safety-related events for the turbofan and turboprop commercial fleet for several decades...

The Role of Cybersecurity Data Science in Aviation Cybersecurity

The aviation ecosystem generates a tremendous amount of data on large informational and operational networks.  The scale of this data generation can be in the range of terabytes...

Digital Twin: Reference Model, Realizations & Recommendations

Digital Twins are continuously developed across a wide number of applications and industries. This paper is intended for practitioners interested in the development and implementation of Digital Twins as a means to realize value.

FMS Modernization: U.S. Industry Feedback to the Department of Defense Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Tiger Team

Top defense trade associations, the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA), the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA), and the Professional Services Council (PSC) released their recommendations to modernize elements of the U.S. Foreign Military Sales (FMS) system.

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