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AIA Civil Aviation Cyber Security Subcommittee – Propulsion White Paper 2020

This paper analyzes the current rulemaking environment and the recent rules issued by EASA on their equivalents to Part 25, 33 and 35...

AIA Civil Aviation Cyber Security Subcommittee -Supply Chain White Paper 2020

This report provides recommendations on how the difficult supply chain topic can be divided into simpler, manageable sub-problems with distinct solutions. For each part of the supply chain, this report provides recommendations on suitable organizational and technical controls...

AIA Civil Aviation Cyber Security Subcommittee – Software Distribution Security White Paper 2020

The cyber-security aspects of the aircraft software distribution and dataloading has been analyzed in this report including legacy aircraft and future concepts. This report provides recommendations on securing legacy, current and future aircraft with considerations for implementing increased security in an economically viable manner...

Blockchain in Aerospace & Defense

Blockchain is revolutionizing business at a pace that will not allow industries to wait and see what happens.

Aerospace and 5G: Realizing the Future

The FCC has begun to look at allocating more spectrum to meet the increased demand for spectrum from new technologies.

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