This report provides recommendations on how the difficult supply chain topic can be divided into simpler, manageable sub-problems with distinct solutions. For each part of the supply chain, this report provides recommendations on suitable organizational and technical controls...
Additive manufacturing is quickly growing in aerospace for production use because of weight savings, design freedom, flow time reduction, and cost savings
The cyber-security aspects of the aircraft software distribution and dataloading has been analyzed in this report including legacy aircraft and future concepts. This report provides recommendations on securing legacy, current and future aircraft with considerations for implementing increased security in an economically viable manner...
Our “2019 Facts & Figures: U.S. Aerospace & Defense” analysis highlights an eight-year trend of sustained growth, culminating in 2018 sales exceeding $929 billion and a trade surplus of nearly $90 billion.
On behalf of the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) and our member companies, we appreciate the opportunity to provide comments in response to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)’s Notice of Proposed...
The Civil Aviation Cybersecurity Working Group (WG) presents this annual report and the recommendations it contains to the AIA Civil Aviation Council as a result of a tasking at the Council meeting in April 2017. Specifically, these recommendations are actions AIA should take to address evolving threats to the commercial aviation system.