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National Security Space Acquisition Organizations

With rapid changes happening across the national security space enterprise within the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community, AIA is highlighting the leading organizations that research...

Security of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Essential in Aviation

With the 2023 release of several Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning applications, there has been a heightened interest across all industrial sectors in using these new tools. AI/ML has the potential to automate many tasks that previously were only achievable manually through humans as well as unlock new capabilities...

AIA National Security Space FY24 NDAA Priorities 

AIA urges Congress to affirm its consistent, bipartisan support for the national security space enterprise through the Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act and Intelligence Authorization Act...

How Continuing Resolutions Put America Last

How Automatic Spending Cuts Make America Less Secure

AIA Comments to the National Plan for Civil Earth Observations

AIA members include multi-decade Earth Observations Enterprise partners to the U.S. government’s space science and remote sensing communities deeply committed to maintaining and enhancing the long-term Earth observation record. AIA submits the following comments for consideration...

AIA NASA Authorization Act Priorities January 2024

AIA urges Congress to affirm its consistent, bipartisan support for NASA through a comprehensive NASA Authorization Act. In considering an authorization, AIA supports the following elements...

AIA Commercial Space Bill Priorities

AIA released a new agenda outlining commercial space priorities. These priorities were crafted to bolster the development of the commercial space industry through the establishment of more stable and predictable regulatory modernization, among other objectives...

AIA Comments on FAA’s Proposed Rules on Launch Activity and Orbital Debris

Across AIA’s member companies are the suppliers, manufacturers, launch providers, and operators of commercial, civil, and national security satellites and space vehicles. AIA submitted the following comments in response to Docket No. FAA-2023-1858, Mitigation Methods for Launch Vehicle Upper Stages on the Creation of Orbital Debris...

Cybersecurity Annual Report

The AIA Cybersecurity Committee serves the aerospace industry as a community of aircraft manufacturers and their suppliers to promote discussion, define common interest, and advocate for regulatory and standards updates to help ensure the continued safe and secure operation of the industry we serve...

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