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Civil Aviation Cybersecurity Change Impact Assessment and Affected Areas Recommendations Report

EASA has introduced cybersecurity into certification with ED Decision 2020/006/R. With effect from January 2021, the following certification specifications include cybersecurity rules...


The Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) represents more than 300 aerospace and defense companies, from America’s leading manufacturers of commercial aircraft...

A Senior Executive’s Starters Guide to Understanding Digital Transformation

We live in extraordinary times in which digitalization is radically changing the business, operations, and collaborative landscape across virtually every industry, government, and academic institution.  To meet the challenges of today...

Recommendations to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regarding in-space servicing, assembly, and manufacturing (ISAM) capabilities

The Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) provided recommendations to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to support the ongoing research...

AIA Civil Aviation Cyber Security Subcommittee – Software Distribution Security White Paper 2022

This paper seeks to provide guidance for compliance to new aviation standards and provides recommendations to standardize best practices as much as possible. This guidance complements the 2021 software recommendation paper as it includes a proposed timeline to implement cybersecurity measures...

AIA Civil Aviation Cyber Security Subcommittee – Annual Report 2022

This paper contains a summary of standards and regulatory updates which are important to our community as well as a summary of the papers in development and published by the committee in 2022.

2022 Aerospace & Defense Workforce Study

Workforce and talent concerns remain top of mind for aerospace and defense (A&D) companies as they look at an increasingly competitive marketplace for highly skilled employees, both today and into the future...

An Industry Perspective: Critical Actions to Ensure U.S. Defense Trade Success 

The dialogue between senior officials at the Departments of State and Defense and industry repeatedly centers around challenges facing the defense export enterprise...

Space Spectrum Allocation Letter

In adopting spectrum allocations, regulators need to recognize the essential nature of space-based communications and consider impacts to existing space services...

Orbital Debris Letter

The Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) and our more than 300 member companies would like to thank the FCC for working to update rules on orbital debris mitigation for Commission-authorized satellites. Orbital debris mitigation is an issue of great importance to maintain the long-term safe operation...

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