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Challenges and Opportunities in National Security Space

For decades, the United States has grappled with how to better acquire the national security space capabilities that have made us the world’s preeminent space power. Despite the Space Race initially building our dominant...

Multi Agency Space Council Support Letter

For over 60 years, U.S. government and private sector investments in space programs have showcased American innovation, ambition, and accomplishment on the worldwide stage. Space is inextricably linked to our economic prosperity...

AIA Space Priorities for the Next Administration and the New Congress

The Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) is the premier advocate for America’s space industry, supply chain, and workforce. Across AIA’s over 300 member companies are the suppliers, designers, manufacturers, launch providers, and operators of commercial, civil, and national security satellites and space...

Space Sustainability Comments

The Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) represents over 300 companies and nearly 2 million U.S. workers across the aerospace industry...

AIA’s Roadmap to Recovery

AIA’s “Roadmap to Recovery” is a strategic action plan for how aerospace and defense companies can work with government leaders to recover from the COVID-19 crisis and emerge even more resilient on the other end.

What’s Next for Aerospace and Defense: A Vision for 2050

For over 100 years, the American aerospace and defense (A&D) industry has shaped the world around us in countless ways with immeasurable impact. Today, we are critical to the health of the US economy— and a seamless, fundamental part of daily life. So today more than ever, it’s vital that the industry has a strong voice speaking on its behalf.

Space’s Critical Role in Understanding Our Planet

The value of space-based technology and operations is not limited to just exploring our galaxy or inhabiting other planets. There are numerous instruments and missions that are key to understanding the Earth’s most important environmental systems.

OSTP ISAM Strategy

AIA submitted comments to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy for the In-Space Servicing, Assembly, and Manufacturing National Strategy...

AIA Civil Aviation Cyber Security Subcommittee – Change Impact Analysis White Paper 2022

This document contains a gap analysis of EASA, FAA, and standards bodies (e.g. RTCA and EUROCAE) alignment on aircraft certification as it pertains to cybersecurity...

AIA Civil Aviation Cyber Security Subcommittee – AIA/ALPA Human Factors White Paper 2022

This paper outlines discussions starting in 2021 between pilots, represented by ALPA, and airplane and avionics system manufacturers, represented by the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) Civil Aviation Cybersecurity Subcommittee...

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